Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Robocop 4

According to FOXBusiness there is a Robocop 4 on the way: (http://www.foxbusiness.com/story/mgm-prepares-new-robocop-movie-darren-aronofsky-direct-david-self-write/) read that page for all the detailed info. I'm concentration that it's the 4th in the instalment. What the hell is it recently with all these 4th instalments. Die Hard 4, Rambo 4, Terminator 4 and now Robocop 4? Please, leave these movies to rest in peace. Yes I've heard that Robocop 4 is going to be R-Rated. It still doesn't mean it will be that good. Sure Die Hard 4 was a fun flick (not as good as the first or the third,and Rambo 4 was awesome, however it doesn't give hhollywood to resurect every single 80's franchise, oh and 90's franchises *coughJurassicPark4cough*

Can Robocop 'cop it' after all these years?

I can't say much at this point, what with Darren Aronofsky to Direct and David Self working on the project. Darren has doen nothing that's truely impressed me, and David did Road to Perdition, which wasn't bad at all. So it could be that MGM is on to a winner and wont completely go down the tubes, as so many media sources have been claiming. However I'm not at all convinced by this, and woul wish hollywood would come out with something interesting and original, instead of going through phases of either remaking, re-booting or making a sequal after about 20 years.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Robocop, but it's not a good time for yet another zombie reurection of 80's classics.

It might suit Hollywood

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