Saturday, 9 August 2008

Indiana Jones 5 (ugh)

We all know how horrible Indiana Jones: and the really long subtitle name was. However it seems the 'genius' who made this movie is going to to a 5th! Great, we have a squeal to what was supposed to be the last in this film series, and now we have a 5th?!
Nuking the Fridge has become the film version of Jumping the Shark

Oh but don't worry Shia LaBeouf won't be taking over Harrison Ford's role. But that doesn't make things any better!!! For crying out loud people!!! Do we really need a 5th movie!?

The whole article can be found on the BBC's website:

Let's hope ford doesn't agree to to another movie.

Looking like a crazed Gordan Ramsey: 'No 5th movie without Ford' lets hope Ford won't do it...Scum

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