Thursday 28 August 2008

Resident Evil 2 Wiimake

N-Europe has some interesting news about the Resident Evil franchise, an dthat is that Resident EVil 2 is being remade for the Wii. Now usually this would be the point I bounce off the walls and scream like a small fan-girl, and giggle while kicking my feet in the air orn my bed.

HOWEVER N-Europe has another thing to report.

"Parts of the game supposedly take part from a viewpoint similar to Resident Evil 4, with addition story elements and a new knight-like "swordsman" creature apparently confirmed as new content."

If this is true than I will be currently ranting out in the state of the Nostalgia Critic: "NO, NO, DOES NOT COMPUTE!!! NOOOOOO!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! RAPE MY CHILDHOOD WILL YOU?!!?!"

Seriously, do Capcom have to get any shallower.

Yes a remake of Resident Evil 2 in they style of the REmake would be, what's that word again? Oh yes ORGASMIC, but if you start fucking with it, and start adding RE4 style camera angles, and enemies, then you're just fucking the franchise right up the ass. Capcom surely have the sense not to get killed by thousands if not millions of Resident Evil fans?

As I said, this would usualally be the point I'd be bouncing off the walls with excitment; but I feel completely neutral, not even the least bit excited, I suppose this is because this may just be a roumour, and all the horrible parts were made up by some person who calls himself a hardcore fan.

Well apparently it will feature in the next issue of Famitsu, so until then, I can safely NOT bounce off the walls until Capcom officially announce it, or at least Famitsu print it.

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