Monday, 22 June 2009

X-Box 360 vs Playstation 3

For me there’s a clear winner here but for those considering getting the cheaper X-Box 360 lets go and compare the facts about the two consoles. No snobbish opinions here just solid fact.

So lets start with power.

Processor speed:

  • The X-Box 360 has a Tri core 3.2 Ghz Xenon CPU processor.
  • The Playstation 3 however has a Cell Broadband Engine (3.2 GHz POWER-based PPE with seven 3.2 GHz SPEs)

Roughly translated into ENGLISH it means that the 360 has 3 processors, whereas the Playstation 3 has 6 processors running at the same speed as the 360’s. One of the processors isn’t even used, it looks like Sony just put it there just to take the piss.

Playstation 3 = 1, Xbox 360 = 0

Ok now graphics power:

  • The 360 has a 500 MHz codenamed "Xenos" (ATI custom design)
  • Whereas the PS3 has 550 MHz RSX 'Reality Synthesizer'[93] (based on NVIDIA G70 architecture)

Again for those who are human beings instead of robots it means the PS3 has more potential to produce better visuals.

Playstation 3 = 2, X-Box360 = 0

Ok now the RAM

In jargon:

  • The 360 has 512 MB GDDR3 @ 700 MHz shared between CPU & GPU 10 MB EDRAM GPU frame buffer memory
  • Whereas the PS3 has 256 MB XDR @ 3.2 GHz 256 MB GDDR3 @ 650 MHz, GPU can access CPU memory

Ok so you want to know what that means? It means that although the 360 has more RAM it has to share it out between all it’s processes, whereas the PS3 has different RAM for different processes, which makes it less likely to crash, and give you sharper graphics in theory.

Playstation 3 = 3, X-Box 360 = 0

Ok so now we’ve looked at the engines under the bonnet, let’s look at the designs. The first thing is

The main shell:

This is the only opinionated piece here, but I think both consoles are ugly pieces of shit. The Playstation 3 looks like a Bread Bin/Console/George Foreman grill monstrosity. Whereas the 360 just looks like a PC. But just for slightly more imagination I’m going to have to give the Playstation 3 a point.

Playstation 3 = 4, X-Box 360 = 0

Ok now the cooling fan I know it sound stupid yes, but the cooling fan in the 360 sound like a wind tunnel compared to the silent purr of the Playstation 3, every 360 owner has mentioned about their noisy cooling fan, and they are very surprised that the Playstation doesn’t have this problem.

Playstation 3 = 4, X-Box 360 = 0


The X-Box 360 controller has to be one of the most uncomfortable if all the controllers, and not to mention having to have it’s own battery pack, whereas the Playstation 3 controller not only is comfortable, but has Six-Axis control and a 15 minute charge gives it a whopping 40 hour battery life. It’s just a genius controller.

Playstation 3 = 5, X-Box360 = 0

So now we get down to the consoles abilities:

Both seem pretty much the same in ability, although the 360 has Live Arcade which gives it a point.

Playstation 3 = 5 X-Box 360 = 1

HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray:

Well this is pretty clear: Not only for your gaming enjoyment but for entertainment value. Blu Ray doesn’t just hold more memory so games companies can build bigger and better games for the PS3, but Blu-Ray is the dominant format, and so you not only get a games console but a Blu-Ray player, so non-gamers can watch their favourite movies in HD!

Playstation 3 = 6 Xbox 360 = 1


There must me nothing more annoying than a console you play often breaking down on you. So what is less likely to break down on you?

Well the statistics are far higher for a 360 getting the red ring of death that a PS3 dying, although both seem to have their problems crashing. BUT the Playstation 3 is more future proof.

Playstation 3 = 7 Xbox 360 = 1

So now we come to one of the most important thing about a games console: the games library.
Well the 360 does have an impressive games library, with some great “exclusives” however it was out a whole year or so before the Playstation 3. Not only that but most of the 360 exclusives are have either been ported to the PC or have now been ported to the PS3 and even the Wii. This makes the 360 just a PC which can do less. If anyone tries to argue about the games library on the 360 though I have four words for them: Metal, Gear, Solid, Four. Yes, put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Online Play:

Despite the 360 having a wider range of online games the Playstation is catching up, and it’s catching up fast. The bonus is with the Playstation is that it's plug and play, whereas with the X-Box 360 there a monthly internet subscription charge which will slowly burn a hole in your pocket.

Playstation 3 = 8, X-Box 360 = 1

Well finally comes the price. Well there is a HUGE difference between the PS3 and the 360. The 360 is less than half the price of the Playstation 3, and that can sway gamers a lot.

Playstation 3 = 9, X-Box 360 = 2

Well just from sheer fact over opinion I can see that we have one clear winner here. You may argue that the PS3 is overpriced. Which granted it is quite expensive. However it’s great value for money: Not only do you get a superior console, but you get a Blu-Ray player bundled in too. This just tips the scales of how the Playstation 3 is just a far superior machine, and the money spent is well worth it. With a total of 9 points against 2, the Sony Playstation 3 is the champion.

Oh and if you’re still unconvinced: Metal gear Solid 4!


Anonymous said...

This is a great comparison. A few of the points are opinionated, but its just refreshing to see a console rundown that doesn't just say HALO_ROCKS_!!!111!!_360_FTW.

Unknown said...

Um.... wow you are.. WRONG. The PS3 does not have "6 cores". It has ONE core plus the 6 SPE's. Which are not cores. Is the PS3's CPU more powerful overall then the 360's CPU? Probably. But not by a mile. And the GPU... you are REALLY wrong. So the RSX is 50 MhZ faster than the Xenos. Big deal. The Xenos has a daughter die and unified shaders. RSX = Not so much. Oops. Any developer will tell you the 360's GPU is more powerful than PS3. In fact, Sony planned it that way since they wanted the Cell to pick up the slack, which it does very well in Killzone 2 and the like.