Tuesday 16 June 2009

Halloween 2

So I've only just heard that Rob Zombie is going to be making a sequel to his below par "re-imaging" of Halloween. Seriously Its been like I've had my eyes closed and my fingers in my ears, but then again these films don't really catch my eye, I'm not much of a horror fan, and haven't seen beyond Halloween, and 15 mins of Halloween H20. As I type I'm trying to get up as much input about this film as possible.

For once I truly believe that a (Hollywood) film-maker in this era is making a movie because he enjoys making movies. I'm not sure about this but I don't think Halloween did well at the cinema: Critics certainly hated it. Then again that isn't the last time that a film made money, critics hated it, and it now has a sequel in the works. It's not the first time something like that has happened: No names mentioned...

So what I have got so far is this trailer:

So what this looks like is every single slasher flick put together. Along with the non nonsensical things like relatives of Mike Myers which ruined the last series. Sure it looks creepy, but then again it wouldn't be doing its job as a fucking trailer if it didn't! When I first heard that Rob was going to make it "more realistic" and for most of the time it was going to focus on characterisation (like 5 minutes ago). I felt that maybe this would bring something new to the table. What is clear is that NOTHING new is being brought to the table and that Rob Zombie hasn't changed at all. If anything he's got stale and worse. How many slasher films does this look like? Yeah just about ALL of them.

Well I'm glad Rob has made his overglorified fan films, because he can now sit down with a few friends, break open some beers and popcorn and watch the film while he spurts anecdotes about certain scenes, because no -one else will give a shit about them.

So I wonder if there's anything for me to salvage from this junk heap of a film?

Well no...nothing so far. I'm giving this one a miss...

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