Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Project Natal

Ok so Microsoft have their own version of the Sony's iToy. However this time the camera focuses on capturing the moment that the gamer makes without wires and without controls. It's endorsed by "gamer" Steven Spielberg and it may even be out for a new console; but more on that later.

But first of all I've already spotted a problem. Put yourself in this situation. You're in the living room and then someone walks in front of the camera, then what? What happens if you are just happily swinging your arm like a tennis racket and then someone else comes in front of you and starts moving around like an idiot making your character on screen act like a complete twatter? What happens if someone you don't want is accidentally added as a second player as they want to sit and watch you play?

All these questions I'd like answering please? It just seems that Microsoft have tried to get one up on Nintendo and utterly failed.

First of all games that require this technology are going to be harder and thus more expensive to code, and I don't want to mention that you'll look more of an idiot with no motion controller in you hand rather than a wiimote. At least people can see that you're playing wii rather than performing some sort of interruptive dance.

So we know Natal is coming, and we know that some of these faults will be altered. BUT what will be the impact on the console market?

Well I reckon it could go several ways: First of all it could go the way of the Sinclair C5, and we'll all laugh it off in a year. Or it could be successful. Microsoft has two options: Keep it as an add-on with few select games coming out for it. Or they could bring it out as their new controller for the next X-Box.
Well the more sensible is to release it on the 360 to test run it on audiences, if it's a success consider it for the next X-Box.
HOWEVER rumours are circulating that the next X-Box is only a year away and that the peripheral will be boxed with it as a next gen controller. This may be the smartest or the dumbest thing Microsoft could ever do. It could push Sony out of the market, forcing them to lose money with having to quickly build a competitor. OR it could be a horrid expensive disaster. Especially since the "console wars" have only really just heated up, and next gen games have only started to get interesting last year.

So as a game am I excited about project Natel? No, not really. I can hardly get excited about it, neither can I get excited about the Wii's motion plus. But I guess I'd have to sample the new technology first hand before I got anywhere near the excitement when the Revolution (Wii) was first announced.

Well my fingers are getting tired. This is Anonymous Gamer signing off:

You stay classy Internets

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