Sunday 28 September 2008

Voice of Cleveland confirms show is pile of shit

So Mike Henry in an interview recently said "It is Family Guy with a big heart and not as vicious with celebrities"

Great so the show is not only what i predicted before, but it's a safer alternative. This is what's wrong with Seth McFarlane today is that he's going soft in the head, that just because family guy was perfectly marketable, he then decides to make an even safer show to make it even more marketable (like the Simpsons, but lame). I'm sure that the writing will still be funny, but It just seems that it just seems to be there.

1) Not to up-set African Americans who have complained about the lack of black people in Family Guys
2) To do what most Hollywood movies do; sell happy meals. I'm not saying that the Cleveland show will be marketed at a child's audience, but certainly a younger audience making it more safe, and more marketable.

Seth: I want you to stand in the corner and think about what you have done, and then apologise.

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