Tuesday 2 September 2008

ResidentEvil 5 (update)

So it looks like the old control scheme has changed. Apparently they are more like "Gears of War" well I've never played Gears of War, so i'll have to take their word that controls will be improved. I have no opinion on this really until I see the new footage, it still doesn't make up for such a shitty game.

I have to remind anyone who reads this. Resident Evil 5 isn't a shitty game because of the controls, the enemies, the charcters or the script. It remains a shitty game because it just feels the same as RE4, if they took RE4 as a basis, and made it different (such as a difference in enemies, or even the animations), then I'd be looking forward to this game.


Same Enemy Animations (for a next gen game) + Same Enemies (even after it was said not to be the T-Virus or a Parasite) + Same God-Awful writing + Similar Sound-Track + Improved Gameplay + SemiHD Graphics = Shitty Game which SHOULDN'T BE!

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