Friday 5 September 2008

Facebook just threatened me...

Yes that's right Facebook has in some twisted form pulled a George Lucas, for me to explain I'm going to have to take you back a few months.

Around a few months ago facebook introduced us to the "New Facebook" which to be honest I never tried; however, like the "New Star Wars" I got constant status updates from people thoroughly disappointed by this "New Facebook" so i never tried it.

However I suddenly get this message pop up:

Who do they think they are? Adolph Hitler?Why force people to go to the new facebook, when it's obvious that NO ONE LIKES THE CHANGES! Do some fucing customer research before you decide to ruin facebook forever, you already allowed the pointless birrage of shitty applications that you get constant invites over, and now you try and clean that up with a new facebook layout, in which now you are forcing you to watch.

It would be like George Lucas suddenly taking away all the classics and giving you back Epsodes 1-3, and only selling the 2006 digital cuts which replace the original actor of Anikin Skywalker.

Oh wait...

So I feel completly threatened over this new move, they are ristricting our freedom so much that I'm tempted to move to another social networking site which allows you your freedom to say NO.

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