Saturday 25 July 2009

NoES @ Comic Con

Well I've seen the reviews at Comic Con's big reveal. No we don't see Freddy's face, but apparently the reboot actually has some promise.
We get to see Freddy being firebombed. We get some footage which is close to the original too and as predicted Jackie Earle Haley makes a great Freddy. So could this be anothere rare remake that actually has some punch. The cynical critic in me shouts NO, but the Elm Street fan in me orgasms at what is described, if only I could see the footage myself (Fuller said he'd plead with WB to get it publicly released, which is nice of him). I'm going to see if anyone snuck some footage out and give a report on it then. I've gone from 50/50 to 60/50, if the footage is as awesome as described, I'm definitely going to watch it.

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