Tuesday 24 February 2009

Resident Evil 6

Well I was reading the brilliant Keith Stuart's Blog for the Guardian a while ago and I saw an article that said Resident Evil 6 is on it's way and it may be set in London!!

Along with the fact that Masachika Kawata said that Resident Evil 6 will be a turning point on whether Resident Evil turns back to Survival Horror or goes completely into Action Adventure. If it turns to Action Adventure, I'm definately abandoning the series. Resident Evil should be Horror, and Horror only.

I at least am happy with the fact that Kawata admitted that what I pointed out about RE5 was true, but he inteneded it to be a slow evolution, and now I understand that I can move on.

Hopefully Resident Evil 6 will be set in London, and bring back the Horror!!

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/gamesblog/2009/feb/02/gameculture-xbox

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