Tuesday 24 February 2009

...Oh and...One more thing...

No I'm not talking about a new Columbo movie. I'm talking about the port of MGS4 for the iTouch/iPhone.

Never in my life would I have thought they would have soiled the name of Solid Snake by porting it on the iPhone!!!

I mean what were they fucking thinking?! First of all the graphics makes the epicness of the PS3 version, just lose all epicness, secondly that adding touch controls will make this one awkward piece of shit to play.

Kojima: Should be ashamed of himself

Now I've not programmed a game as complex as this, in fact I've only programmed in Basic, but what I do is create content, and I know it doesn't take someone with half a brain cell and a knowledge on gaming that this is a bad idea. Why didn't they make a M.G game that would be 100% customized to the platform? Something, I don't know? ORIGINAL?!

They could have called it Metal Gear Fuck Farts for all I care, just as long as it was an original title.

I don't want to swear here, but I'd rather see an announcement that it was going to be ported to the 360, at least that would be a platform more suited to MGS4, Christ on a Bike, fucking hell...

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