Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Boy Killed Anally by Office Chair

Ok, this sounds lie some title of some weird snuff fetish porn. But apparently a 14 year old lad in China was anally impaled by an exploding office chair.

The pressurised gas cylinder apparently exploded shooting deadly shrapnel up the poor guy's anus. Causing hm to bleed to death. Sounds like something out of Final Destination doesn't it?

Apparently the freak death was not alone where 3 people have died the same way in China in china since 2008.

While my heart goes out to the kid, and the kid's family, and it must be such a horrid way to go.. I can't help thinking of this as a Monty Python sketch. I mean how bizarrely odd, dark and funny. I can't help the inner child in me wanting to laugh.

I hope no-one is reading this at the office, or I recommend you work with a layer of kevlar between you and your office chair.

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