Monday 21 July 2008

Terminator: Salvation

So looking at Terminator Salvation. My first impression is "Great Concept: Bad Movie"

Ok so the movie is set in 2018; 11 years before the Kyle Reese is sent back in time to save Sarah Connor in the first movie. The plot revolves around John Connor and Kyle, and a Terminator which they salvage to fight on their side etc etc... Having a movie set within the War against the machines is a great concept, however it's a shame that it has to be the 4th in the instalment.

Lets just put it this way: The 3rd movie wasn't exactly the best in the world, so why trust a 4th. Especially when Christian Bale (playing Connor) has signed up for a potential 2 more sequels. I mean; this is turning into the fucking Nightmare on Elm Street movies of the 80's, fuck sake, WE DON’T WANT SIX TERMINATOR FILMS!!!!! Especially after the horrid Sarah Connor Chronicles which takes place in an alternate timeline, Jeez....

Lots of people on the Internet ask me why I think this is going to be a bad movie "especially when Christian Bale is going to be in it"

Ok, first of all, it doesn't matter WHO is in the film, if the script and director are bad, then the movie will be BAD. Lets look at who's directing this?

McG...yes he brought us masterpieces such as Charlie’s Angels 1 and 2, AND Pussycat Dolls: The Search for the New Doll....Yeah, ok, we're boned. However I have started reading HIS blog, and he kind of re-assures me in an uneasy way, that he understands what problems the fans had with the third movie, and the fact that this movie is also a PG-13. He has however been working closely with Jim Cameron, and did have Stan Winston working on the physical effects until he sadly passed away the other day (R.I.P).

So yeah, the future isn't bright when it comes to Terminator 4, however it isn't officially the 4th instalment because it doesn’t say T4: Salvation. Thus we can treat this as a start of a new chapter within the series? Yeah right, what a load of bullshit....

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