Monday, 21 July 2008

Ghostbusters: The Videogame

Let me just tell you, I'm a Ghostbusters freak, not geek, not fanboy, but freak; I LOVE this franchise, from the movies to the animated series (The REAL Ghostbusters) I can find no fault. I'm such a freak that I built my own proton pack, complete with trap and jumpsuit. I'm still perfecting it....

For a few years I have been following the progress of Ghostbusters the Videogame.

My expreesion on finding out about Gostbusters: The Videogame

It's a direct sequel to Ghostbusters II. It starts two years after Ghostbusters 2, and this time the Ghostbusters have had no (major) lawsuits, they have a thriving business, but now they are looking for an extra pair of hands: You are those pair of hands. It looks like your old enemies are coming back to haunt you, could it be the fact that a GOZER exhibition is in town? Uh, huh? Yeah....

Anyway, this might as well be Ghostbusters 3: It's meant to be a sequel, and why can't it be in an interactive format, what better way than to be a GHOSTBUSTER YOUR SELF!? This interactive movie is written by Dan Ackroyd and Horrold Rammis, the two comedic geniuses’ who wrote and starred in the first two movies. Most of the major players, (Dan and Harrold, as well as Bill Murray and Ernie Hudson, alongside Annie Potts [Jannine]) are returning, with the exception of Sigourney Weaver and Rick "Honey I Shrunk" Moranis.

This game looks awesome, and the only complaints I have is about the PS2, Wii, PSP and DS versions...

While the PS3, 360 and PC versions are going to look amazing (not as amazing as MGS4 of course), the Wii, PS2 etc versions will take on a cartoony style. I could probably understand something like the DS getting that treatment, but treat the Wii and PS2 owners with some dignity, most people can't afford a PS3, and fuck getting it for 360 when you have a PC.
So give these people some dignity, and give them some decent PS2 visuals to remember....However I'm glad that (surprisingly) the 6th generation of consoles have a more multiplatyer online functionality, whereas the 7th gen consoles do not (except Wii), talk about working backward. However a quick patch should fix that little "problem"
The cartoony style of the 6th Gen Consoles (and the Wii)

I'm also disappointed that you only get to play a rookie, and not Peter, Ray, Winston or Egon, I would have loved to play those guys, and I'm quite saddened at this, ah well I can't wait to see more!

Looking at the gameplay side of things, I think it works well for a Ghostbusters game, especially after the shitty ones (see AVGN that were made in the 80's/90's). Best of all there is no HUD, everything is cleverly indicated on the proton pack, and your health is indicated by the amount of read that surrounds your screen (blood?!?), you can't die from a ghost attack, however you will loose consciousness.

Dispite a few things that I would change. I cannot FUCKING WAIT to get my hands on this game!!

Just Awsome

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