Monday, 28 July 2008

Terminator: Salvation (update)

So it's been a week, and Comic-Con has had a sneak peak, I'll upload the video as soon as I can, however there is a video conference. Also McG's blog on the official site ( reveals that he realises that this is no ordinary movie, and extra care not to upset hardcore fans must be taken. He has worked close with James Cameron, and was working with Stan Winston to make sure everything is within the Terminator lore. It is interesting that the trilogy before is being treated as a separate chapter, and this part is almost a separate box-set, and so can give fans a choice to completely ignore this movie, even though under free will you can ignore any of them, however it doesn't mean I'll have to update any box-sets.

McG's guidance counsellor - James Cameron

Anyway I feel re-assured by what was said at comic-con, and look forward to a longer trailer, and maybe even an illegally downloaded scene (lawl, just joking movie industry, I'm one of you).

However on another side, I cannot get excited by this film, however I think it might be worth streaming it ( just joking again ;-) ).

The question remains

1) Could McG actually direct something good?! Could hell freeze over?!?
The Man in Question - McG

2) Will it go beyond 'I'll download it with a side-dish of cyanide pills' to 'I might actually pay to see this'?

The fears I have are mainly whom is taking responsibility, he's going to really have to prove that he has it right, I've been scarred before *coughKingdomOfTheCrystalSkullcough*

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