Sunday, 20 July 2008

Resident Evil 5

Ok, you might have to call me a Resident Evil fanboy; because despite Konami providing us with a scarier Survival horror; Silent Hill. I still love Resident Evil more, it gave us the basis of all the Survival Horror's we have now, and it has Zombies!

Anyway lets start my first impression on the anticipated RESIDENT EVIL 5.

Ok let me state; I loved Resident Evil 4. It was a great game, the mechanics of the gameplay were great, and the game itself to play was fun and exciting. However there were some complaints which I had....It wasn't a Resident Evil game!

1) It was too action orientated, to me this ruined the atmosphere. Take a look at Resident Evil for the gamecube, that my friend is the scariest Zombie based game ever created, if you don't owna Wii, or can't afford one, find a Gamecube on sale for £10 at CEX and buy the game with it, you will not be disappointed. However RE4 was changed, I very rarely ran out of bullets and after 4 playthroughs or so I could complete the game with a knife inc most boss battles.

2) The enemies; No I agree Capcom needed to change the enemies; Zombies were getting boring and stale, we needed a newer enemy. the trouble was that after a while you realised that the enemy charges at you and then STOPS five yards away and then continues to walk toward you slowly it gives you time to take aim and fire before they reach you.

3) The Plot, ok so now the dodgy Engrish has been replaced by cheesy americanisms. Leon S Kennedy now seems like he thinks he's John McClaine, in which John McClaine would beat the shit out of Leon, while Solid Snake would be analy raping him, and Jack Baur would be orally raping him. Yeah...Ok not a good image... Anyway it also pissed me off that the whole file system was fucked over. In the previous Resident Evil games you found letters and diaries of the citizens and Umbrella scientists of Raccoon City, which were very chilling. Now we have the most retarded bad guy letting you know what is up ahead of you so you can prepare....Fucktards

Ok; so now I've stated what I'd like to see change in RE5 I'd like to start with my first impressions of the first Teaser Trailer leading up to the latest videos from E3'08.

So when I saw the first trailer I was impressed by the detail of the graphics; Evry hair on Chris Redfield's chin were individually rendered, the graphics looked smooth. The atmosphere seemed tenser, and the new enemies seemed faster and more zombie like.

First of all I’d just like to have a small note here that Chris Redfield was not announced yet; but it was obvious, anyone who thought it was Billy or Carlos were retards.

Anyway I had good vibrations running through me, however things were about to change when the gameplay trailer came out.

Ok so the next impression I got was: Haven’t I played this game before? Oh wait yes, RE4!!
So the game seems now to be a cosmetic overhaul of Resident Evil 4. The game is action orientated, with no real indication of any of the tension in the previous game, it seems like they have added a few new moves to the protagonist, and although I can’t really get much of a feel for the enemies at this point, but they seemed pretty much like Las Plagas, even though they have stated it wasn’t. So I can guess from here that the plot wont be much difference in quality.

Ok so we move on a few previews later to the Gametrailer’s exclusive trailer (before E3). Ok this changed my mind slightly, I defiantly saw more of the dark areas, and how you could perceive it as dark, and dingy, and scary. The plot kinda seemed more solid, and hooray not just a dull cow-eyed meathead to play! The plot seems more solid, however the return of the chainsaw guy just made me loose hope again, I mean first they repeat basically the same gameplay as RE4, and now the enemies?!?

Ok so then E3 happened…. Ok first the trailer was uploaded, this was quite exciting as parts of it reminded me of the classic resident evils, such as the truck coming across dead bodies. However there is a glimpse of El Gigante, which is even more annoying. Why the fuck would they recycle bosses?!? Why?!? Also the enemies definitely represent Las Plagas infected, in they way they walk. This is further confirmed later within the gameplay demos, which might I say SUCK, it’s just better cosmetics. If I got a facelift wouldn’t I still be the same person even if I looked prettier? What the FUCK man, what the fuck….

Anyway my first impressions of Resident Evil 5? Well I’ll give a report on the good and the bad.


- The Graphics look pretty.
- The on-line co-op mode seems pretty cool!
- The good elements of RE4’s gameplay have been transferred, with a few nifty moves!
- Sherry Birkin looks bad-ass in that cloak.
- Some Boss battles look immense!
- Explanation into the P-Virus
- The atmosphere in the dark MAY look like it could deliver some chilling parts however….


- … I doubt it, especially when…
- …The A.I of the enemies act exactly the same, everything including the animations are the same, which makes the enemies boring, and easier to take care of.
- The gameplay has not evolved as much as I’d like to to. RE4 was such a large step, I just don’t want to see a copy, then again, I really need to play to see the difference.
- I don’t like Chris; give me a new original feel like RE2 gave me.
- The mad-scientist at the beginning of that trailer puts me off the story, and makes me think it’s going to be cheesy Americanisms again, instead of good solid storylines.
- Recycled enemies, recycled everything, recycling isn’t always a good thing.

So yes, even though I’m a Resident Evil fanboy, I still have the critical edge to currently hate the game. However I’ll need to buy it to experience if it’s good or not. You never know I might change my mind!

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