I had a chance to interview the virus today and it had this statement:
"I am not a racist, and never have been, my fascination with killing Mexicans is an entire coincidence, hey I even voited for Obama!"
The virus dressed as Father Ted Crilley gives a speach on racism
.....OK, so the first part of this blog was entirely made up, and was used as a form of satire. However this swine flu is all a bit ridiculous isn't it?
My hearts go out to the people who have died so far due to the virus, biut this flu doesn't seem too bad. Seasonal Flu seems to kill off over 30, 000 people in the states alone each year. This strain is no more of a killer than it's cousin. The only trouble is that this virus we have no immunity against, and the fact that it spreads quicker via animals such as pigs and birds makes it easier to transmit.
Ok, everyone is scared about catching a virus that is so widespread across the media, that the news seem to build this up as some apocalyptic virus that will kill off the entire human race in just a month.
Just yesterday a friend in London reported the London Paper to claim that over 49, 000 people may die, JUST IN LONDON.
This is enough to send even medical scientists into a panicked stupor. However statistically, that isn't too bad. The worse case scenario predicted is that 2% of people will die worldwide. However that still means that YOU could be one of the 2%, that means people will be checking how many facebook friends they have, and calculating who is the most likely to kick it, and if that person could be them.
Let me also remind you that the most at risk are generally people who are relatively weak as far as health goes, those with lung problems such as asthma, heart conditions, or conditions such as Diabetes and AIDS, or those particularly under the age of 2 years old.
I'm not saying these people deserve to die, I'm just stating the cold fact that if you fall into those categories you are within the at risk zone.
I woke up today with a bit of a sniffle, but that could mean many things:
- Seasonal Flu
- Summer Cold
- Hayfever
- Too much dairy in my diet.
Does that mean people should suddenly panic, and prepare to start burning my body? Absolutely not.
So what have we learned today?
1) The media are asshats who have been told by the government to spread this as much as possible in order to take everyone's minds off the recession and to get people to panic-buy Tamiflu in order to boost the economy, and more important issues like the decline of actual news, such as government scandals, and genocides by evil dictators, and men boxing kangaroos out of their homes...
2) The corrupt pharmaceutical companies are LOVING it at the moment "no cure for the common cold" MY ARSE!
3) If a lot of people die, it's still within normal pandemic predictions, it isn't the end of the world, but it's still horrible that nice people are dying.
3) Don't panic, it's just flu...oh, and remember...don't have nightmares!
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