Wednesday 20 May 2009

Ghostbusters III (updated)

That's right. Ghostbusters 3 THE MOVIE is happening: According to Yahoo News, Acroyd has confirmed that despite the fact the film "could blow up at any moment" the entire cast (including the missing Sigourney Weaver in the game) will reprise their roles. This time to pass on the torch to an entirely female crew.

I'm not being sexist, I'm infact for some female ghostbusters, but isn't it being entirely sexist to just have a female crew? It just sucks money bollocks. I can so tell this film will be just another Crystal Skull and I'll have to pretend it doesn't exist. I thought it was a cool idea to have a game to be the sequel to Ghostbuster II but now they are adding Ghostbuster's III will this ignore the story of the game? Will it tie in? What happens to teh new recruit? What the hell is going on?!

Anyway this is very sad news indeed. I've been wanting GB3 for years, but I really wanted it in 1995, not 2012. It's been too long, and we shouyld let the golden franchise rest in peace, and if it must live gain, do it through games, not through teh big screen.

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