Saturday, 25 April 2009

Stephen King's IT

On March 22nd Stephen King's IT was announced a remake by Warner Bros, rated 18 (R). The only Beef I have with this is:

1) It's set in 2008 and 1985 instead of the 1985's and 1950s. Which makes the themes set in the novel completely obsolete. It would have been much better if you kept to the novel, instead of fucking up the timeline, it would be a stronger piece.

2) The film will only be 2 hours long. What are they thinking?! Stephen King's IT should have a 3 hour minimum tag on it, or maybe a 4 or 5 hour mini-series. There is no way you can do a faithful adaptation within 2 hours. The last one was less than spectacular when it came to accuracy to the novel, and that was 3 hours. Imagine is Warner Bros made this a 4 or 5 part mini-series/DVD-Bluray box-set?

3) I think I could do better. Not to sound like I'm bosting, but I have a 4 or 5 hour script adaptation ready to go which I swear to GOD is probably better than the 2 piece of shit their cooking up... Sorry for bragging, but I feel very protective when it comes to faithfull novel adaptations.

However despite the old film scaring the shit out of me when I was a kid, I can see now that the acting was sub-par, and the general fear factor has subsided. Stephen King's IT is definately in need of a good treatment!

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