Tuesday 21 April 2009

Hello All

Hello everyone. As you have noticed my posts have become less frequent. It doesn't mean I've lost interest in keeping this site up and running. It just means due to a mix of technical issues and issues beyond my control. I have not been able to keep this updated how I should.

I'm sorry to those who like reading my blogs from time to time. I hope it keeps them informed and amused. I would like to reassure people I know what's going on in the world of videogames and movies, I know all about the Ghostbusters game, Dead Rising 2, Bioshock 2, Silent Hill, and Resident Evil etc. Yes, I'm also disappointed in the lack of decent content in the cinema, but I'm busy trying to keep everything else in order. I'm sure any readers didn't miss me too much (if any lol). If I knew I had more (I get mesaged time to time from people) of a fanbase I'd probably put my blogs up as a higher priority, but putting time and effort into something which I don't know is reaching out anywhere, while I need to make money elsewhere means taht both websites are in dire need of being kept up to date. I will keep this place running, and maybe I'll update every day like when I started, but until my higher priorities in life become lower on my list, First Impressions will be birthed with a new life :)

Peace out people of the internets!

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