Tuesday, 4 August 2009

5 Games that I hate, but "shouldn't"

Ok I've been thinking there are a LOT of games out there which got a high score, but REALLY didn't deserve it. Here's 5 that I've played, and really hated

Ok as someone who enjoyed playing through Resident Evil 4, I should be expected to enjoy Resident Evil 5 right? Well I did, but it still makes me angry that they completely strayed away from the horror element. The gameplay and some of the other stuff was lazy too, and despite seeing all the hard work that went into motion capture and animation; they really cut back on a physics engine that worked for a PS3

So which Mario? Generally all of them. I've never been a fan of the greasy fat Italian git. He's just a retard, and his brother Luigi should be the star, he at least seems less retarded. I liked Mario as Jumpman in Donky-Kong, but absolutely hated, and I mean throw the controller at the screen kinda hate, the original Mario Bros. Despite the game being grounded in reality, and I can imagine a really great survival horror sprouting off from the ideas of exploring the sewers and finding giant mutated turtles, crabs and fleas. this game sucked, it was horrid. Then came Super Mario; this game was ok, it's challenging, and enjoyable despite the horrible non Sega colour palette, I can at least see that it was a good game. Then game the port of Doki-Doki panic aka Super Mario Bros 2. This came with better graphics at the loss of decent gameplay. You now had to pick and throw objects at the ground, now for Doki-Doki, that was fine; but that isn't a Mario game, it's just as much a Mario game than Resident Evil 5's a Resident Evil game. Mario 3 I can't complain about, it was back to the old Mario, but to be honest after that mario got bad, i mean Mario 64 was horrid. I'm wasn't too keen, but it's better than the 3D Sonics. DEAR GOD IT'S BETTER.

However Mario is making a comeback with Paper Mario, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart and the NEW Super Mario Bros for DS and Wii. But generally I prefer Sonic, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 Sonic and Knuckles and Sonic CD more than the entire Mario games collection put together, apart from Smash Bros, I'm afraid that's way too entertaining.

Anyway I'm guessing what I'm trying to say is that I generally hate Mario, and you can go fuck yourself.

I'm sorry but the video-game adaption of this comic/graphic novel is horrid. I can't believe anyone could give this higher than 3/10. It's everything a FPS shouldn't be, and that is just awkward, slow and sloppy to control. Everything is made 100x harder than any other FPS, and I just don't get it. There was nothing pleasurable about playing this game. The only thing I'd rather not play are the next two games.

I HATE FF VIII, it's horid. To save me explaining why I'll link you to Spoony's Final Fantasy VIII review. http://www.spoonyexperiment.com/category/final-fantasy-viii/

Despite playing the first level and enjoying the game, I soon noticed how retarded this game really is. For example the aiming system is unresponsive, and way to basic. I mean there are so many more action games which have a far better aiming system, and I just don't get why testers ok'd this system. The fact that the manuel aim is jerky and clunky doesn't help either, in fact they have to give indications on if you have a head shot lined up.
Probably the worst part of this is the stealth element. First of all as soon as a guard spots a pixel of you the game is over, whereas in a stealth game like Metal Gear Solid you can evade,and reset the parameters , the fact that these guys don't even radio for help giving you time to eliminate them is stupid, on another hand the AI can be too easy, I mean their friend can be electrocuted in front of them, or head-shotted not to far away and they don't even investigate? Fuck you! I've known blind, deaf, and dumb paraplegic people that make better soldiers than they do.
The third major thing that is terrible is the radar.
So in MGS you got the layout of the map, the position of the enemy, and their field of vision. In this you barely get their position, you get no layout of the map, and you don't get a field of vision. Now granted a field of vision isn't necessary, but a decent radar would be nice IF YOU'RE GOING TO INCLUDE ONE.
There are way too many complaints about this game, and has to be one of the most frustrating games I've played, not because of the difficulty, but because of the bad gameplay, the bad controls making every move you make 100x harder than it should be. A game should be challenging because it's the player at fault, not because the game is being a sadistic asshole!

However it's the one game on my list which I'd actually like to see remand....Hmmmm, that and XIII. I enjoyed the story to both Syphon Filter and XIII, I just think that they need a serious overhaul with the gameplay.

So there you go these are by top 5 games that I shouldn't hate, but I despise!

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