Tuesday 4 August 2009

So Ridley Scott is Directing an Alien prequel?

Ok I know this is now OLD news now but Ridley Scott is not only producing but Directing an Alien prequel.

I have no idea what it will be about. I hope it has something to do with the space jockeys, then again it might just end up like the Star Wars prequels and be all friendly safe and marketable. I'm not saying don't make as much money out of things as possible, but I'm saying that Alien films have lost their way, and become mindless.

I'd like to see another thriller again to be honest, but not another rehash of the original. Something equally as scary, but with a different plot. I don't know, a lot of Alien fans are happy, but I'm wary about Scott's new venture, I'll have to see more information on the plot, a trailer or a leaked script before I got excited about things just yet.

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