Monday, 28 September 2009

Nightmare On Elm Street Trailer

Well the trailer is out. Unfortunately we can tell right away that the audience for this film is myspace users, which worried me, instead of apple trailers, we get a debut on myspace. Then again they may have been the cheapest to post it on.

Anyway we start off with a middle aged man being chased by a bunch of angry parents, the man (Fred Kruger) claims he doesn't know what they are talking about. They burn down the boiler room he hides in, for some odd reason he is compelled to take of his jacket to reveal the green and red sweater. What I don't get is when you are getting burned to death you decide to take your sweater off? Maybe it was getting hot in there? Maybe he didn't want to live in the afterlife in the waiting room in Beetlejuice with that jacket on (lol I wouldn't be caught dead in that ged'it??!)

Anyway we get some looks at the dream sequences, some similar imagery and a look at Freddy at the end.

What I can say is that the director has got a very good choice of Directing style when it comes to an Elm Street film. The imagery has a very odd quality to it, and the sets no longer look out-dated, some shots were weird, like the shot of the glove in the bathtub was fucked up by not having it rise up between her legs. We all know that imagery is far scarier, then again they may have had to edit out her legs in post because the trailer can be accessed by anyone? Meh just nitpicking there I suppose, but I feel it's a valid nitpick.
The dream sequences look cool, and despite not having a creepy feel like in the original, they do feel a lot more at home than the shitty ones in Nightmare's 2 and above which the dreams sequences just got shittier and shittier. I must admit the shots are nice for a Horror film.

Jackie Earle Haley's performance as Freddy was amazing as predicted he's as good as Robert Englund, actually better if you count the poor performances of Nightmares 4, 5, 6, and 8.
BUT the make-up was disappointing. I'm all up for updating the image, making things more realistic as the attempts after Nightmare 2 made Freddy look like a guy just wearing a lot of make-up effects. However this film just makes freddy look like a burn victim you see every day, and it makes you feel sorry for him, and not scared of him. Freddy was supposed to be more of a guy who looked more like a Zombie with flesh falling off rather than someone who was a victim of a fire. It looks like he had at least a few days to recover in hospital before he died rather than having fresh pus filled burns with flesh peeling off his face. So I'm not really buying the new make-up. I'm really going to grit my teeth on that one, maybe It'll grow on me, but I doubt it.

Another annoying thing is that most of the cast seem annoying whiney stereotypes that you just want to see die so badly! I'm deffo giving it a chance, as I didn't think the trailer was too bad, hey anyone killing off a cast member of Twilight gets in my good books, no matter how bad the film!

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