Saturday 11 October 2008

Resident Evil: Degeneration

Resident Evil: Degeneration premièred at TGS'08 yesterday where it got mainly a negative response from critics.

Some thought that the CGI was sub-standard, while others parised the motion capture and visual presentation.

What many people agreed on was that the storyline was for hard-core fans only.

WELL NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!! These movies are designed to be for hardcore fans, just as Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children was designed for FFVII fans only. Critics should get their head around this before picking the shit out of movies made for the fans. Sure the plot of Degeneration may only be understood by those who have played every single Resident Evil game, and that mainstream audiences wouldn’t get it, but the whole point is that this movie was designed for the fans.

Now I have not seen the whole 90 minutes of degeneration and I agree some of the dialogue is messy and you might find yourself laughing at what comes out of these character’s mouths. Some might even be slightly agitated at some parts where the character’s lips fall out of sync, or even that Chris Redfield in RE5 looks better than Leon and Claire in this movie, who look too shiny to be real.

However the fact stil remains, if you are a fan of the movies, or are expecting something meaningful and more than just shooting zombies, and bridging gaps between Resident Evil 4 and 5 then PLEASE DON’T WATCH THIS MOVIE. If you are however a hardcore fan then this movie might hit the spot, maybe not in the sense of good dialogue and thought provoking material, but in the sense of bridging some timeline gaps between 2004 and 2008, just as Umbrella Chronicles did kinda bridge what happened between 2000 and 2004 (aka the fall of Umbrella in 2003). I’m yet to see the whole movie, and will give my own thorough review once it comes out.

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