Saturday, 4 October 2008

Godzilla vs Cloverfield

This isn't a new movie don't worry, nor am I comparing the movies. I'm using statistical anlysis of teh two giants to see who would win in a fight, I already know who I want to win, but I'm doing my damnedest to give Clove...I mean the certain monster a fair chance aginst Godz...I mean the other monster.

Lets start with

Height: 190 - 200 ft

Length: 411.9 feet

Weight: 20, 000 - 60, 000 (realistically) Tons

Abilities: Swimming, Tail Sweep, Fighting with two front arms and kicks with legs, biting.

Special Ability: Thermonuclear Breath which can obliterate most things in one go.

Weakness: If anything it's electricity.
Unknown Monster

Height: 240 - 300 ( on all fours) 300 - 350 feet (standing)

Length: 1200 feet

Weight: 5, 806 Tons

Abilities: Swimming (but not as fast as Godzilla), walking on all fours (for speed) and on two legs, jumping at nearly double its own height, sharp claws.

Special Abilities: Has lots of Parasites attached to it, anything without tough skin which is bitten either immediately dies, or dies later on from their body exploding.

Weaknesses: Possible Nuclear bombing?!

The Fight:

Well the 'Cloverfield' monster is taller and longer than Godzilla, and can jump an at least 200 out of it's 300ft height. Which might make it an interesting fight. However the 'Cloverfield' monster is just a baby and thus it is a lightweight, whereas Godzilla is a fully grown adult whom has a far tougher muscular structure than the 'Cloverfield' monster.
Godzilla (aparf from kicking, punching and biting would also use it's tail to trip the 'Cloverfield' monster up.
Not to mention Godzilla cannot be affected by the parasites and Godzilla has Atomic Breath, which could be an advantage against Cloverfield, as both monsters are resistant to all other types of bombs, maybe this monster could only be affected by a nuclear attack such as Godzilla's Atomic (Thermonuclear) Breath.

However it is said that this monster is just a baby (like those frog tadpole mixes), so an adult version could be 4 tiems as big, and therefore no matter how muscular Godzilla is, I'm afriad an adult version of the 'Cloverfield' monster would just be too big for Godzilla to take on.


Mr. Jack said...

I used to constantly wonder who would win in a fight between the biggies. Godzilla always topped my list.

Anonymous said...

Godzilla is 100 meters tall (approximately 339 feet)