Saturday, 11 October 2008


Apologies everyone for not updating the games review website ( in a while. To be honest I've been very busy with the outside world and have not enough hours in the day.

Please take it in faith that for every week I miss updating it, means I just will update it with more reviews, I think by next Monday I will be up to Tomb Raider Legend? So expect a fuck load of full reviews soon!

Resident Evil: Degeneration

Resident Evil: Degeneration premièred at TGS'08 yesterday where it got mainly a negative response from critics.

Some thought that the CGI was sub-standard, while others parised the motion capture and visual presentation.

What many people agreed on was that the storyline was for hard-core fans only.

WELL NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!! These movies are designed to be for hardcore fans, just as Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children was designed for FFVII fans only. Critics should get their head around this before picking the shit out of movies made for the fans. Sure the plot of Degeneration may only be understood by those who have played every single Resident Evil game, and that mainstream audiences wouldn’t get it, but the whole point is that this movie was designed for the fans.

Now I have not seen the whole 90 minutes of degeneration and I agree some of the dialogue is messy and you might find yourself laughing at what comes out of these character’s mouths. Some might even be slightly agitated at some parts where the character’s lips fall out of sync, or even that Chris Redfield in RE5 looks better than Leon and Claire in this movie, who look too shiny to be real.

However the fact stil remains, if you are a fan of the movies, or are expecting something meaningful and more than just shooting zombies, and bridging gaps between Resident Evil 4 and 5 then PLEASE DON’T WATCH THIS MOVIE. If you are however a hardcore fan then this movie might hit the spot, maybe not in the sense of good dialogue and thought provoking material, but in the sense of bridging some timeline gaps between 2004 and 2008, just as Umbrella Chronicles did kinda bridge what happened between 2000 and 2004 (aka the fall of Umbrella in 2003). I’m yet to see the whole movie, and will give my own thorough review once it comes out.

Terminator: Salvation (update)

First of all a word from James Cameron via the National Post:

"It could be a big steaming pile or it could be brilliant. Sam Worthington is in the Avatar and the new Terminator and he likes the script, but I never saw it. There was no blessing involved."

So McG is a liar about the fact that he is consulting Jim Cameron about Terminator Salvation. He seems to be just as miffed as you and I about T4. So the matter is yet again open to the fact if T4 will be a 'steaming pile'

In other news Cinema Blend. Has some interesting shots of T4. It seems that McG is breaking the mould of setting most of the future scenes in a daytime setting. Is this is a brave attempt to make this film stick out from the others like Resident Evil 4 and 5? Or an attempt to trick us into thinking the said previous attempt?!

You may also notice that they are physically doing some of the effects, which means there might me an idication of going back to filming the movie on more physical terms. Now I know that it's impossible to do a Terminator movie without some sort of extra help, wether it's stop-go animation, back projection/chroma key, or CGI, but T1 and 2 always used as much physical effects as possible to make it seem as real as possible. Could it be that McG and his 'army of Terminator fans/film crew' have decided to be faithfull to Cameron's style of filming and storyline?! I know that James Cameron's version of the T-600 has already been changed, but we'll soon see. So far I'm just as confused as James Cameron on this one, although T4 will most likely suck monkey balls.

Anyway here they are:

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Resident Evil 5 (update)


It seems that Capcom had the balls to kill off Jill Valentine, as seen in the alternate version of the TGS'08 Trailer. The story looks too 'personal' but it seems pretty epic though I'll give them that, maybe this still has a chance of being a great Resident Evil title?!

Alternate trailer can be found here:

Updateathon: Resi 5, Dead Rising and Indy 5

I apologise to anyone who reads my blog, I have been extremely busy in the realms of REAL LIFE. I mean I do have a life outside the internet ya know?

Anyway lets cut the shit:

Indiana Jones 5:

Harrison ford recently talked about a 5th film of Indiana Jones. Ford had this to say "It's crazy but great. George is in think mode right now."

The key word is crazy here. George Lucas has gone mad, it seems that something has controlled his brain to make him make shitty versions of the classic adventure movies he used to make such as Star Ward and Indiana Jones. I'm not sure if it's his hair controlling him like some sort of alien brain slug or what but it must be stopped. I can imagine fans of the old Star Wars teaming up with fans of the old Indiana Jones tracking George down and George being held hostage by his own hair.

It may not surprise some of you (especially the Indy geeks) that there were 5 films planned to be filmed one after another, however George (before the hair took over) and Stephen decided to call it a day after the third; like ALL GOOD TRILOGIES!!!Ford: "George = Crazy"


Dead Rising: Chop Till you Drop

So many of you have been waiting for my next glimpse of the 360 port of Dead Rising. Well nothing from my last complaint has really gone away. G4 recently had a hands on of Chop Till you Drop. According to them the 'hundreds of zombies' promised has so far not been delivered G4 counted a maximum of 15 zombies on screen at the same time.

Capcom have obviously sacrificed the amount of shops you can access, and G4 have pointed out that a smaller area makes you panic more. However I'm sorry, a large shopping mall with only 15 zombies on screen at a time is ridiculous. It's such a large area to maneuver around it just having a few inaccessible shops really doesn't make it more of a panic fest.

Apart from that nothing has really changed. The graphics look ever so slightly upgraded, but I'd expect more from what I've seen in RE4 on the cube or even on the Wii. The gore effects still look really bad, and the sound effects still don't chill me, take a look at the new trailer, I'm sure you notice music over nearly the whole thing just to hide away the shame.

Resident Evil 5

Well this is the big one. The game that everyone is sooooo excited about. Well I took a look at the new trailer and I can say is....

I'm impressed. Ok I'm not drawn completely in by the bait, but the story already seems to be far more fluid than RE4's. It's a shameless rip off of MGS4's style but I'm sure with an Resident Evil twist. The characters seem far more 3D (I can use puns if I want, I don't give a shit if you don't find it funny fuck you) than in say RE2, 3 Zero and 4 (sorry I loved the more adult themes in CV and the character and script in REmake), but power to them, yes it's going to be over the top, but I think in this one there is going to be a lot better writing, the new trailer just gives me a feeling that things are going to at least better than RE4, so there is something I can relax myself about. Ok It's still a game which looks like it's going to have scenes similar to RE4, which is just unforgivable, allot of the plot seem to lack any imagination, but it already seems that they have cut down the amount of confidence in the characters (aka Leon's monster quip).
It also introduces Wesker and it seems that he has found a new business partner creating bio weapons. It even shows what seems to be Spencer (the fellow from Umbrella Chronicles in the wheelchair). It also explains why Chris joined (or helped set up) BSAA, and it seems things like Degeneration and the events of Resident Evil 4 really pushed things: For example Chris mentions that terrorists got hold of Umbrella's weaponry over black markets and it seem that the incident at the airport (assumption here people) sparked off a new wave of bio terrorism, so BSAA was formed by Chris and a few others. He also has the balls to admit that these enemies are nothing but Ganado rip-offs as "reported in the Kennedy report." Which maybe gives me hope that they may really do a good job bridging all worlds together. So well done Capcom, just don't ruin it with your next trailer.

The graphics look AMAZING (for a 360 title) however I'm sure they could have really pushed it if it was a PS3 exclusive.

The voice acting looks less than impressive though for a next-gen game, first of all you have a bullshit stereotypical mad-scientist who has a voice in which I'd never though I'd say I prefer Alfred Ashford's voice. and Sheva sounds very British for an Africa woman (eve though she seems mixed race so maybe Sheva has a British parent, or maybe was born in Africa but raised in an all girls boarding school in Kent?!
The other factor is that there seems to be quite a bit of mouth flapping which just sucks monkey balls, I thought this was the next generation?! Patrick Stewart would be ashamed.

I did not see any of the new "Gears of War" controls as stated a while back, but fuck it I'll wait another day.

Altogether this trailer has changed my mind on the storyline, but it isn't 100%, I'm still extremely sceptical, and I suppose the next trailer might make me change my mind, however I must give it to Capcom; it is the very first Trailer of RE5 that has really got me interested, it is a shame that we did not see the new controls.

You can view the Trailer here

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Godzilla vs Cloverfield

This isn't a new movie don't worry, nor am I comparing the movies. I'm using statistical anlysis of teh two giants to see who would win in a fight, I already know who I want to win, but I'm doing my damnedest to give Clove...I mean the certain monster a fair chance aginst Godz...I mean the other monster.

Lets start with

Height: 190 - 200 ft

Length: 411.9 feet

Weight: 20, 000 - 60, 000 (realistically) Tons

Abilities: Swimming, Tail Sweep, Fighting with two front arms and kicks with legs, biting.

Special Ability: Thermonuclear Breath which can obliterate most things in one go.

Weakness: If anything it's electricity.
Unknown Monster

Height: 240 - 300 ( on all fours) 300 - 350 feet (standing)

Length: 1200 feet

Weight: 5, 806 Tons

Abilities: Swimming (but not as fast as Godzilla), walking on all fours (for speed) and on two legs, jumping at nearly double its own height, sharp claws.

Special Abilities: Has lots of Parasites attached to it, anything without tough skin which is bitten either immediately dies, or dies later on from their body exploding.

Weaknesses: Possible Nuclear bombing?!

The Fight:

Well the 'Cloverfield' monster is taller and longer than Godzilla, and can jump an at least 200 out of it's 300ft height. Which might make it an interesting fight. However the 'Cloverfield' monster is just a baby and thus it is a lightweight, whereas Godzilla is a fully grown adult whom has a far tougher muscular structure than the 'Cloverfield' monster.
Godzilla (aparf from kicking, punching and biting would also use it's tail to trip the 'Cloverfield' monster up.
Not to mention Godzilla cannot be affected by the parasites and Godzilla has Atomic Breath, which could be an advantage against Cloverfield, as both monsters are resistant to all other types of bombs, maybe this monster could only be affected by a nuclear attack such as Godzilla's Atomic (Thermonuclear) Breath.

However it is said that this monster is just a baby (like those frog tadpole mixes), so an adult version could be 4 tiems as big, and therefore no matter how muscular Godzilla is, I'm afriad an adult version of the 'Cloverfield' monster would just be too big for Godzilla to take on.

Resident Evil 5 (update)

Despite the new screenshots of Resident Evil 5, an interview by 1UP with Jan Takeuchi revealed that there will be no typewriters. Instead the game will focus entirely on checkpoints and chapters. Which means there is no point in saving unless you've played for too long and need to go to bed/work/college/school/place of worship. So saving just beyond a checkpoint allowing users more freedom within the save system is completely iradicated. Unless of course they pull a Tomb Raider: Anniversary and put checkpoints every 10 steps?! But fuck, as long as you don't mind dying and replaying from the last checkpoint, there isn't much point in saving is there?!